The world is big. At some level, unfathomable. Billions of people, billions of stars. Thousands of miles of land and sea. Beauty and destruction. Injury and healing. I could go on, as the world does.
Yet what fills me in this morning minute, a moment never to be lived again, though suitable for replication (grin): I feel like I can wrap my arms around the world through the beautiful people I have the good fortune of knowing. Some are relations, some close friends, some through the written word, others newly introduced. With all of them, the world is manageable. Change is palpable. Love is moving us closer together.
The human family ~ connected global energy sources: we are not impoverished. Our collective soul strength is rich and powerful! People are the most profitable energy source, if used wisely. From thoughts, notes, prayers, dreams, visions all the way to deeds, actions, missions and movements: a broken world can be RE-membered ~ REnewed!! Imagine an Endless Power Source.
The land depends on us. The creatures of the land depend on us. And we depend on each other.
And Love!
Wrap your arms around the world through your people! Because, really, we belong to each other.