~Peace and Love and Bee Power, Colleen
Whatever you call the natural order of things: God/Goddess, Mother Nature, evolution and so forth, it can likely be agreed that it is a natural process. None of us came up with it! (grin). The nature of it, the source, the core, the central wisdom: it is a given in our cosmic mathematics. The life cycle of bees is just one proof for the human family to review.
I wonder so often: who are we to think that we have the better answers for the daily life of the natural world? This earth and its organic procedures were here way before humans.Truly, we are stewards of what we found upon arrival. The human ego, however, seems mighty determined to dominate, even when the evidence is clear: things were cool before we started tinkering. This is not to say that we don't have a contribution to make to our lives with nature. Innovative solutions abound, when a general respect for the earth and her inhabitants is honored. Compassionate understanding and intention can lead the way to miraculous results.
Metaphorically speaking, how have we humans poisoned our brothers and sisters, cultivating toxic energies that are unknowingly consumed and taken back to family homes (hives) corrupting a natural process of human evolution? I'm just sayin'. (smile)
Caring for each other is primary stewardship: human ecology.Talk about a productive use of natural resources! Go exploring in yourself. Find the naturally-occuring, free source within yourself!! It is OUR natural process. I've named it Center Love. You choose your own name. But may I suggest living it as your main natural resource? Bee a good steward! (pun intended)
Center Love Evolution starts with each one of us!
Shalom, Jean
Closing good news: Facebook post from my cousin Fearn last week:
empty hive received a swarm of honey bees today! This is the second
year in a row this has happened. Welcome honey girls. may you be
healthy and happy here. We love you!
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