It has occurred to me, in my crazy constantly searching head, that my search is for my wounds to be healed, the hole inside me, filled. As you know, I have tried to fill the space with" the Outside world."
My longing for this fullness, I'm realizing, comes from in me. Not of me. Not because of me, but perhaps, in spite of me.
When I can Humble myself to see the good, the love, The God in each one of us, then the search is off. The space is filling in with Love. That's how I can find my Compassion.
Peace & Love Colleen

Reflection Point:
On this St. Patrick's day, we've been given an action item, straight from the heart: Drive the snakes out of your own Ireland: the country of self! Clean house. Acknowledge the free space.
Let that space be filled naturally with the limitless resources your soul generates in finding and celebrating the Divine in Everyone.
Compassion breeds compassion. Love keeps making Love.
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