Truth is revealing. Sometimes those revelations are joyful ~ awe-inspiring. Other times, what is revealed, although not necessarily new information, comes to you in such a way that it shocks your system. That shock sends waves through the whole-of -you, right down to the core of you ~ where the truth is ~ and all is forever changed. As startling as this event might sound, it's particularly effective because it happens in the simplest of situations, in boring real time (smile). No special effects. No sensationalized "breaking news coverage." But simple real human truth. I've just had one of these.

Jump ahead 21 years to a new project in Dayton. Guy and I have reconnected after numerous years. We just finished one project and are dreaming up new ones. In our lunch conversation this week, my wise friend started to talk about the building of experiences, one upon another, with the new generation. He said, " Things are changing. I can't put my finger on it. I just know it's time." Time for what, I thought. He continued. I paraphrase now. He spoke of how youth in high schools he had visited lately were very accepting of each other: race, sexual orientation and spirituality to name a few. They asked great questions and they listened to the answers. The way he spoke, I could tell he was referring to more than just obedience or a well-managed classroom.
Guy sat quietly, staring off into the distance, deep in thought. We went off on a tangent or two, laughed and ate our salads. Then he looked up and once again said, "It's time. "Say more about that," I asked.
He sat up straight in the chair, turned out crossed his leg and said, "well, you know, it's like, we might actually get to be part of the ball game."
Another silence.
All of a sudden, it hit me. What Guy was talking about was not an exciting upcoming project to get involved with, or a community group with interesting programs. He was not speaking of sports or "we" in terms of us or even his immediate family. What Guy was framing in that moment was society, race, class; respect, understanding, inclusion, quality of life. What he processed in his bones in that moment was the largest possible picture of movement forward: acceptance!
I will say, this moment felt so big and so emotional for me, only because I knew this man to be a mover of mind sets, living his life as an example, being a willing participant in living history. This man, in his simple statement, was admitting a vulnerability, a truth that so infects our world: bigotry, racism, classism and all the rest are gutting the sense of belonging in the human family. Honestly, in that moment, I felt the pain of the multitudes.
It is my Spirit-generated opinion (and by that I mean, from the core of me) that those of us with a vision for peace that starts with individuals, those of us with a hunger for justice, those of us with a commitment to education, for our common passions and our willingness to risk "for the ball game" ~ our heads/ hearts/ bodies must take action!!!
Get out there! Share your truth, live your compassion, model the ways of love, support those who have been in there fighting the good fight. Truly, there is no real human family unless all of us are counted as members. Otherwise, we are a scattered bunch, struggling to make our way in a world of disengagement or misengagement: a set of exclusive position holders that choose ego satisfaction over everything else. Our individual agendas over the common good. Compassion is not generated in this world.
Compassion is palpable in those moments with friends where the hurt is revealed, where the wound is part of the solution. Guy was heading into a high school the next day, where he had taught as part of a comparative religion course The seniors requested his presence for the day, so they could learn more about native traditions and spirituality, so they could feel part of a ball game that we might just call Love!
Thank you, Guy! You are my Brother. We reside in a universal family. May we continue to work, to love, to celebrate, to build, to instigate, to honor and to play ball! It's time!
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