
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother: Holiest of Jobs!

Mother: Holiest of Jobs!

There are jobs and there are jobs. (smile) Some for pay, some for passion. Some with art, some with religion, some with education. . . fusing those together: Yes, please!!! (smile)

But without question, the most essential, the most moving, satisfying, exhausting, pride-inducing, Love-Fest, mission-of-a-job is being Mother. For me, nothing will ever be as significant! Nothing. The good news is, it's the job (gift) that keeps on giving. My children are at my spiritual core and always will  be. For me, being mother is to know love in the most primal sense. To hold another person inside me, delivering them into this earthly life - what an honor. To remember that MY Mom did the same thing, and her Mother before

My Mom is the perfect fit to me and I to her (thanks be to God.) Oh sure, we clashed a time or two (hahaha). We have some remarkable differences. The differences, however, are far outweighed by the similarity of soul that comes from Divine connection to Mother to Daughter, to Daughter/Son and on and on. That same measure takes a family up: Mother, to Grandmother to Great Grandmother and upwards. Each of us, with a blessed line, a holy family story. [This goes for fathers, too. Today is my chance to wax on about the feminine.]

I remember each of my two childbirth experiences so clearly. Profound moments. Utterly vulnerable moments. Humbling. Love made visible. From those miraculous minutes in time to this very moment as I write: my Love for my children continues, as it always will, to rock my world.

Birth experiences shape us daily. Motherhood has a myriad of meanings to the process of giving life.  Being a mother does not require womb-carrying. In fact, many birth stories I know started differently than mine, but certainly no less Divine! Choosing motherhood, regardless of how it evolves, is accepting a change of life, a redirection of ego, a commitment to care. Perhaps motherhood actually chooses us. Perhaps it's a calling in the DNA of our Spirits, to be Mothers for others, to know birth in our own unique, holy ways. Here's a hearty "Well Done" to the collective MOM!

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