
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Naming & Defining


As we begin to explore the notion of compassion and the source of Love, some important language clarifications will be of great support. As is true for each person that posts to this blog, we speak from our own, unique perspective. So what I share is my choice. What another shares, her choice. Hopefully in time, we can agree to a common language. So here we go.

Compassion to me is a state of being in empathy with others, of being open to how others feel, so much so that one is moved to action. Compassion isn't pity. It's not feeling sorry for someone else; rather, it's feeling presence with another. It is, perhaps, the state of being kind and understanding other perspectives. It is the choice to treat others the way we wish to be treated. It is the passion of being in common. What do you think?

It was an intentional choice not to name the Divine in the first post. Certainly, there are many names for the Holy. Different religions, different handles. The Source of Love - the ultimate form of caring, commitment and respect,  the holiest of Holy, may be more common than we choose to embrace. When I refer to Love, I mean God. This is the name for the Divine that I relate to from my background. I'm a cradle Episcopalian. However, I'm in to the many ways the Divine is expressed. And I don't feel there is only one answer (or name). I do believe we speak of the same Power! Our faith traditions grow from stories that define our understanding of the Holy. That doesn't make other understandings wrong.

So - in my blog entries, I will often refer to God. Please know, though, that my naming does not trump yours (grin). It is the common ground where the holiest experiences form, where new stories help us evolve into what God hopes for us. The Love: our common Passion!

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