
Friday, January 25, 2013


I believe in compassionate happenstance! Those unplanned sightings that spur us on, those stories, lectures, movies, songs, videos that seem to be directed to our needs, an energy flow that provides a restorative underscore to an otherwise difficult time. To me, this is compassion, let loose in the universe: our view of God as an active partner. These moments or prompts come regularly, whether we note them or not, and sometime we're driven somewhere new in our consciousness. This morning, I received one of those prompts, posted by a friend on Facebook.

Lafrae described not being able to get to a family member's funeral because of weather issues. This video prayer (my name for it) was her personal response. It struck me that she not only found a physical solution for grief, it was also a mind over matter. Snow wouldn't stop the Love. It also rings so beautiful to think about the human connection to what we call prayer and how it can take many forms.

Responding to our faith, calling out to our Holy One, syncing up with our own inner workings to communicate: prayer is asking, wondering, processing and healing. Prayer is tied up in wellness.
This video was a meditation for LaFrae. Turns out, it was a meditation for me, too. And probably for many others. The action, the filming of it, the intention behind it, the recorded vocal track, speaking a familiar prayer - all of this came together for a unique, holy timeout for interpretation and reflection.

vprayer. Like email, but cooler. (grin). Like itunes for the Spirit. I'm hoping to try one of these myself, although I won't be working out in the snow. Drinking hot chocolate maybe! It seems that prayer is realized through the imagination, a dynamic human tool that shapes our yearnings, the magic place where the mystery of faith is crystal clear, where we can talk to God. Such a conversation we can have these days, with art, media, photographs, physical exercise, music, dance - a never-ending array of personal expressions that connect us to our Creator. Allowing ourselves to be Creative is the kind of self-compassion that motivates our own spirits, let loose in the universe. Making prayer of all kinds is compassionate response.

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