
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Compassionate Colleen 3

Good day, compassionate bloggers.

It seems to me, that I am all or nothing. Do I do for You, or do I do for me: my eternal inner quest for balance! Am I being compassionate or selfish in taking care of myself. I run at about 100 mph. Then low and behold some act of God and me not paying attention sits me on my ass. Literally, as I sit with ice on my ankle, as a physiological child of God, my body will do for me what I won't let my mind do. Stop, breathe, rest, find a balance. It's not all and its not nothing. It is you and it is me. So today I offer a prayer to You, for You - that you find your balance. Do for your brother and sister. Take care of yourself, too. I am reminded of one of my favorite cousins. At the end of his short life, he was asked often to go to church. He asked, "tell me, at your church, do you pass a basket?" Well, yes we do, " they said. "So is it like this: if you got a little, you give a little and if you need a little, you take a little?" He never did find that church. Today I sit in that church, blessed and grateful.

In a weekly write, as I am honored to do,  I have a truth to share. At 5am on my way to my latest obsession, Boot Camp, My Heart spoke (as it often does) and my heart's battle cry: Let there be Peace on Earth, Let it Begin with Me. When I lost my Husband 4yrs ago, that is what my Heart screamed. (and breathe.) This a.m. I put Compassion in place of Peace (although they do interchange.) My Peace compels me to be Truthful. My Blog Boss said people want to get to know me. So here goes. February 26th, I celebrated 2 yrs of sobriety and I am in a program of recovery. My sobriety requires me to be compassionate and help others. My Heart said write it. Put it out there. To suffer in silence is to be in Hell. I know. Gods Grace is freedom from these horrible chains. Grace allows us much, like telling the truth at all costs. To be compassionate to You and to Me.

Peace Out. Colleen

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